Sagarnath SAngular State Management Using NgRx StoreAngular applications, especially those that grow in complexity, require efficient state management solutions. NgRx is a popular choice…May 111May 111
Sagarnath SUnderstanding Custom Decorators in AngularDecorators are functions that modify classes, methods, properties, or parameters in a declarative way. While Angular provides several…Feb 10Feb 10
Sagarnath SAngular: Chain of Responsibility design patternThe Chain of Responsibility design pattern is a behavioral pattern where a request is passed through a chain of handlers, with each handler…Jan 28Jan 28
Sagarnath SMastering Angular Forms: Building Dynamic and Validated User InputAngular forms allow you to capture and validate user input in a structured and controlled manner. They provide a way to interact with users…Jun 18, 2023Jun 18, 2023
Sagarnath SAngular : Micro Frontend (Module Federation)Micro Frontends in Angular refer to the architectural approach of breaking down a large monolithic Angular application into smaller…May 21, 202312May 21, 202312
Sagarnath SAngular v16 : Game ChangerAngular Signals: Signals are the new reactive primitive provided by angular, which will help framework track changes to its model.May 7, 20231May 7, 20231
Sagarnath SAngular: Dependency Injection and Resolution modifiersDependency injection (DI) is a design pattern that Angular uses to provide a way to inject dependencies into a component or service at…Apr 23, 2023Apr 23, 2023
Sagarnath SAngular : RxJS operatorsRxJS is a library for reactive programming using Observables that makes it easy to work with asynchronous data streams. There are numerous…Apr 16, 2023Apr 16, 2023
Sagarnath SAngular: Advanced Tips and Best PracticesLazy loading : Please lazy load your modules and don’t eager load them all at once. It makes a tremendous difference in loading time even…Apr 7, 2023Apr 7, 2023
Sagarnath SAngular and SOLID principlesSOLID is an acronym for a set of principles that help developers design better software applications. These principles are:Mar 25, 20232Mar 25, 20232